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2021 Swim For Proudie

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2021 Swim For Proudie


It’s not what you have in life, but who you have in your life.

What started out in 2015 as a small group of friends doing what they could to help a mate and his family in desperate need, has turned into an annual event where a bigger group of friends, friends of friends and families come together to take on the annual Swim for Proudie.

Warrick Proudlove was an aspiring footballer and talented all-round athlete until he was involved in a tragic car accident in 2011. Warrick was a passenger in a friend’s car travelling home to Albany to visit his family and friends. Tragically their car hit a stay horse injuring only Warrick leaving him with serious neurological damage. Due to insurance laws at the time, his family receives no compensation or funding to provide him with the ongoing care he requires.

Since then and largely due to Warrick's story the laws have changed however aren't retrospective.

The "Swim For Proudie" was created in 2015 to support Warrick and the Proudlove family. From 2015 onwards dedicated swimmers compete in the Rottnest Channel Swim to raise the much needed funds for Warrick's treatments.

Since 2015 the Swim for Proudie team have collectively raised just under $200,000. However, it is important that we continue to raise funds to support Warrick and his family as Warrick’s treatment and care needs are ongoing.

This year we have more brave swimmers than ever who have put their hand up and bathers on to complete the challenging 20km Swim to do what they can to help out a friend in need. Please support our swimmers, the Proudlove family and most importantly Warrick by either becoming a sponsor, donating or spreading the word.

If you would like any further information or are interested in becoming a sponsor of the event, please don’t hesitate in contacting Harry Garland

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2021 Swim For Proudie

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    Proudies Foundation Inc

    Warrick Proudlove was involved in a serious car accident on Friday, 15 July 2011 just north of Mount Barker on his way home to Albany. He was a passenger in a car that hit a horse before running into a tree, and was not covered by motor vehicle insurance (although thanks to him everyone is now). Warrick requires 24 hour care and multiple therapies, which doesn't come cheap and we need your help. He is slowly making progress which has been possible due to the generosity of our community - but we still need help. Please donate to keep Warrick's progress moving forward - we greatly appreciate your help

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